Architectural Research of Technology & Scientific Design


College of Engineering | Korea University

건축 디자인 & 기술 연구실 (아트 랩) 

고려대학교 공과대학

Welcome to the ARTS of Korea University!

반갑습니다! 건축 디자인 & 기술 연구실 (아트 랩)은 디자인과 기술의 창의적인 융합을 통한 혁신적인 건축물 실현을 목표로 2018년 설립되었습니다. 약 30편 이상의 SCI(E), A&HCI, 국제 논문, 학술대회논문 등을 출판하는 등 건축학 및 건축설계 분야의 연구영역을 확장하는데 주력합니다.
현재 주요 연구 주제는 다음과 같습니다.
- 로보틱스 응용 건축, 3D, 4D 프린팅 건축- 스마트 재료 및 기술을 활용한 건축설계 및 디자인 혁신- AI, 머신러닝 및 로보틱스 응용 설계 및 패브리케이션- CFD 등 환경 시뮬레이션 응용 건축 디자인 및 설계 최적화
We pursue a coherent integration of architectural design, innovative engineering technologies, and related science towards intelligently sustainable built environments along with the creative advancement of design and fabrication methods. We thereby aims to extend the discipline of architecture into a broad multidisciplinary terrain across information and communications technology (IT), design computing, systems biology, material science, electronics, and energy studies. To this end, we will continues to explore untapped areas of design practice and building media with both data-driven and artistic approaches.  (last updated 2021)

+ We appreciate your application, until positions are filled, to join the master and doctoral program, or collaborative research. 

News and Media Exposure

- 4D-printed building skin 

- 3D-Printing Pavilion featured and exposed in media. 

- Article published (2020) in Automation in Construction (Top 2% SCI journal)

"3D-printed attachable kinetic shading device with alternate actuation: Use of shape-memory alloy (SMA) for climate-adaptive responsive architecture." 

"Architecture can be reborn if it redefines its job as the design-science of the life of buildings (Stewart Brand, How Buildings Learn, 1994)."